Join the Launch Team

You can help get Barbara, Uncharted Course Through Borderline Personality Disorder out into the world by joining Wendell’s Launch Team. Anyone in the U.S. is eligible to join. The only fee or requirement is that you purchase one copy of the book!

What is a Book Launch Team?

A Book Launch Team is a group of readers and fans who spend a short period of time reading and discussing the book online, then write public reviews and share about the book on their own social platforms.

What Team Members Get

Meet new, likeminded friends in our private Facebook group.

Get to know Wendell better and interact with him behind-the-scenes.

Participate in two group video chats with Wendell and other Team Members in book-club-style conversations.

EVERY member will get an ebook of the first two Chickenhouse Chronicles books. Already own them? You can gift them to friends!

Select winners will earn discounts to BetterHelp online counseling service and You can use these coupons for yourself or gift to someone you love.

What Team Members Do

Buy a print copy of Barbara, Uncharted Course.

Participate in the discussions as much or little as their schedule allows–there are no time commitment requirements!

Write a review of the book and post on, or other book platforms. (Reviews can be short, even just three sentences is OK! And you can use the same review on each platform.)

Post about the book on your own social media pages.

Being part of this team is FREE. The only fee is the cost of the book.

The Launch Team for Barbara, Uncharted Course will run from Monday, November 29 through December 17. Deadline to register for the team is November 28th.

Although you need a copy of the book to participate, you do not need it to register for the Launch Team. You can register today! We will send out reminders to purchase the book once it launches on November 20th. If you order online and don’t get your book in time for the Launch Team activities to begin, we will provide a partial PDF of the first few chapters to get you by until your physical book arrives (receipt number or proof-of-purchase will be required.)


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