Below is a list of past workshops, signings and speaking engagements that Wendell has been featured at. To bring Wendell to your event, contact him here.
March 16 | 1 p.m. Wendell will speak at the Christian Women’s Luncheon at the Bemidji Eagles Club
Veterans Writing Workshop at Hjemkomst Center in Moorhead, MN (Details TBA)
Veteran’s Program at Clearbrook-Gonvick
Writing Memory Stories Workshop with Wendell Affield
Veteran Addiction & Mental Health Conference
Vietnam War Roundtable: Brown Water Navy at MN Military Museum
“Brotherhood” presented by BemidjiSpeaks at Beltrami Co. History Center
Links to the Past by NELL (Northern Exposure to Lifelong Learning)
Vietnam Roundtable 2019-2020
Bellanger and Affield to present at BemidjiSpeaks
ARTS EXPO: Notes on Self Publishing with Wendell Affield
Farm by the Lake Writing Workshop: Reawakening Memory Through Our Senses with Wendell Affield
Wendell Affield featured at Senior Center Veteran’s Day program
“Researching the Past” by Adventures in Lifelong Learning
Book Launch for “Pawns: The Farm, Nebish, Minnesota 1950s” at Watermark Art Center
Veteran’s Book Club at Indiana University
Remembering Vietnam: How Those Memories Impact Us Today | workshop at Carver County Library
Writing Your War: An introduction to exploring and writing memoir
Wendell Affield presents at Koochiching County Fair Guest Author
Clinton Public Library Guest Author, Wendell Affield
50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War at Midway Village Museum, Rockford IL
Vietnam War Exhibit Grand Opening at Military Historical Society of Minnesota
Headwaters Center for Lifelong Learning presents Wendell Affield at Park Rapids Armory
Making Meaning of Vietnam: A Reading | Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis, MN